Managing UK utilities, oils & da instrastructure, with Linesearch

Linesearch is an internet based enquiry system providing location data for 10's of thousands of miles of pipeline and fibre optic cable ducts across the UK. Linesearch provides a single point of contact relating to the apparatus owned or operated...
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The Brief

  • Introduce an Enquiry Management System which enables enquiries to be made against a mapping database, embedded into the system
  • Implement flexible content delivery channels with a simple authoring and editing for use by external oil and pipeline operators in specific ‘zones of interest’.
  • Integration of the existing enquiry management database, enabling Linesearch to undertake the same enquiry verification process, without losing data.
  • Reduced the wait time for enquiries, and redirect the query to members only when relevant. Provide a replicated service with an intranet to provide functionality for the staff and an extranet providing browser based access.
  • Provide a single point of contact for all enquiries relating to the pipelines of Linesearch members.
  • Segregation of ‘affected’ and ‘not-affected’ queries, to reduce administration on ‘nowhere near’ enquiries which were traditionally paper based.
  • Secure Payment gateway to protect premium content information.
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The Byte9 solution

The Linesearch management enquiry system was overhauled and redeveloped into a full site Content Management System, created with full integration and manipulation of embedded GIS and Streetmap function. Additional functions included API integration, templates customisation and improved security using full access control and encrypted passwords (SSL).

Enquiry Management

The system allows users to login, choose a ‘zone of interest’ by postcode or grid reference and enter relevant start and end dates. Streetmap integration provides visual confirmation of location which is cross-referenced with GIS embedded mapping database to confirm safety of locations. Email confirmation is sent out.


Administrators have access to additional pages to allow non-internet based enquiries, mail merges and data capture. The system notifies administrators if an enquiry is flagged as ‘near’. They send a formal response to the enquirer providing all necessary information, the operator is also notified, once the notification is acknowledged on the website the operator in then responsible for the enquiry.

The Result

Linesearch’s Byte9 solution has proved extremely effective and reliable and became profitable in its second month of operation. In March 2004 Linesearch was awarded Pipeline Industries Guild Innovation and Technology award.

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